Bank Indonesia (BI) said fraud that occur in Century Bank is coordinated between the owner and the Century Bank management. It makes difficult for BI to detect fraud at the bank owned by Robert Tantular.
According to Deputy Director of the Directorate of Supervision BI, Heru Kristiyana after the Century bank acquired by Deposit Institution / Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), the review process becomes more open. That's because the old management had been changed to make it more transparent.
"A lot of fictitious assets done by the owner and the bank management coordination," Heru said in Jakarta on Monday, August 31, 2009. In exercising supervision, Bank Indonesia did it with the way of documents examination and direct inspection on a periodic basis (onside). This was to clarify the findings of the BI. "Because conducted coordinated with management, then the fraud difficult to detect," he said.
He pointed Century Bank embezzlement of U.S. $ 18 million made at 04.00 o'clock in the morning. "At the time is used to retrieve the money, it is difficult for BI to know," he said.
In addition to finding embezzlement of U.S. $ 18 million, BI find export credit (LC) fictive from 6 companies worth U.S. $ 95 million of 6 debtor. These findings became known only after the Century Bank was taken over by LPS.
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