Head of Republic Of Indonesia Police (Kapolri), General Bambang Hendarso Danuri explained, until now the police can not ensure the fugitive of terrorism, Noordin M, Top, shot and killed in the Densus 88 raid in Beji Village, District Kedu, Temanggung regency, Central Java, Friday (7 / 8 ). Certainty of the identity of the corpse is still waiting for further examination to affirm the man who died in the incident.
"We do not dare to mention who was the man killed in the incident, because this must be juridically responsible," said Bambang, Saturday (8 / 8). For that, Kapolri asks the parties that feel has a consanguinity / blood-relationship with the corpse is soon coming to be taken the DNA sample. Police promised to announce the identity of the corpse after getting the facts that based on the forensic laboratoris can be responsible.
Previously, the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 of Indonesian Police raid a house belong to Muhzari in the Beji Village because suspected used as a hideout of terrorism fugitive Noordin M Top. [Read: Densus 88 Raid Noordin M Top Hideout]
After surrounded more than 17 hours and several times of shooting, the terrorism suspect inside the house was successfully disabled. [Read: Noordin M Top Shot And Killed By Densus 88] Now the remains of the terrorism suspect is in Soekanto Police Hospital, Kramatjati, East Jakarta, for the identification and autopsy.
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