Indonesian Police's Special Forces, Densus 88 Anti-terror raid a house in the village of Beji, District Kedu, Temanggung regency, Central Java, on Saturday 8 August 2009. With full strength, Densus 88 intended to arrest one man, Noordin M Top, one of the top leader of Jemaah Islamiya (JI) linked to Al-Qaeda led by Osama Bin Laden. In the ambush, one person who died is suspected as Noordin M Top.
When asked for responses, one of the family of Noordin M Top's first wife, Siti Rahma at Sungai Tiram, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, refused.
"We do not have the report yet. The information just come from you," said a woman with a head scarf behind the window to tvOne reporter, Saturday 8 August 2009. When asked for her name, the woman said nothing. Then, when she was confirmed whether that she is Siti Rahma, the woman disputed. "her sister," she said.
Meanwhile, people around Pesantren Lukmanul Hakim (Boarding School), where Noordin M Top had been the teacher, refused to confirm. Similarly with people around the house of Noordin's parent. They fear will be arrested by the Malaysian police if provides information about Noordin M Top.
After the reports about Noordin circulate, Malaysian police await information concerning this leader of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) in Asia. Chief of the Malaysian Police , General Tan Sri Musa Hassan said Malaysia to offer assistance for Indonesia, if the man was killed in the incident is Noordin M Top.
"I can not give a response concerning the incident, I do not get information from our colleagues in Indonesia," he said as quoted Bernama News Agency, Saturday 8 August 2009.
However, Musa Hassan said, Malaysia still in touch with the Indonesian police. "These include identifiying people who was killed in the incident, is he Noordin or not," he added.
Noordin's first wife, Siti Rahma came from Riau, one of Indonesia's province in Sumatera. She is the sibling of Mohammad Rois, Jamaah Islamiyah member who is also a teacher at the Luqmanul Hakiem, a boarding school where Noordin M Top once taught.
Currently Siti Rahma and her family known living in the area of Sungai Tiram, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. They live in the neighbor country began in 2005. According to information, for the recent years, Noordin's family in Malaysia sells pastry to survive. Noordin's parent-in-law, Rusdi resume his old job.
Post Lukmanul Hakim closed, law and Noordin's wife live in Riau and settling at Pendekar Bahan that is about 85 kilometers from Bagan Siapi-api capital of Rokan Hilir, or about 290 km from Pekanbaru, Riau, Sumatera.
In addition to the Siti Rahma, Noordin also married Munfiatun, a woman from Pecangakan Kulon, Jepara, Central Java.
The last, Noordin's newest wife traced in Cilacap, Central Java. In Cilacap, Noordin married Ariani Rahma alias Arina, maiden from Pesuruan Village, District Binangun, Cilacap, Central Java.
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