Doubts is expressed among others by former Mantiqi Jamaah Islamiyah (JI), Nasir Abbas, as quoted by TEMPO Interaktif last night. "The notes there is different than the letters from him that ever been made before," said Nasir.
The claims were sent last July 26 at 22:02 WIB. Previously, the same post also published on July 18 2009, a day after the explosion at the Marriott and Ritz, with an address at www.bushro2.blogspot.com.
However, the claim is clouded by Nasir. They highlights many mistakes, errors and misspellings in those blogposts. The first mistake, according to Nasir, is writing the name "Nur Din", which is separated, while in previous letters "Noordin" was written connected. In addition, Nasir continued, many of the spellings are wrong.
"Noor Din is a smart person. Meanwhile, the spellings in any of those posts are not correct, such as writing Rizt Calrton hotel (should be Ritz-Carlton)," Nasir said. "Moreover, if the writing is in English, he may not do mistakes."
To track who is the owner of those blogs can be difficult to shift easily. If they are an amateur, it will be easily tracked. How, We can ask for a list of IP addresses that uploaded the scripts to the site manager of Blogspot.com, which is Google.
IP address is the address of user's computer (can be tracked from what countries, even from which computers: personal computers, internet cafe, or a computer owned by Internet service providers, such as Telkom or Indosat). From this address can be tracked the phone number and address of the users.
That's when the author of those blogs are an amateur. When smart, they can hide the IP address by using a false address or usually called anonymous IP. For example, if they are from Indonesia, they can use an IP address from Russia to blur it. "However, this also does not mean can not be tracked,"
Roy Suryo, telecommunications observer said. "Sites are false, merely fishing in muddy water."
Deputy of Public Relations Division of Indonesian Police HQ, brigadier general Soelistyo Ishak yesterday stated, "We will not tricked with the recognitions that it is not yet definitive, and will examine the sites to be able to prove the truth."
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