29 July 2009

Blogshop Of Pesta Blogger 2009 Started From Malang

Pesta Blogger 2009 One Spirit One NationBlogshop, part of The 2009 Blogger Party: One Spirit One Nation (Pesta Blogger 2009) to be conducted in 10 major cities in Indonesia starting from the city of Malang. Chairman of the committee, Iman Brotoseno said in Malang, other than the city of Malang, nine other cities that designate to be crawled by bloggers are Semarang, Bandung, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Makassar, Surabaya, Medan, Palembang and Yogyakarta.

"This Blogshop initiated to encourage more people in Indonesia to involve in responsible blogging activities , critical, constructive and have a high social awareness," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

He admitted, at this time there are many bloggers who thought that they could write anything in his blog and even think that the rules of law in the real world are not binding their activities in the virtual world. Views need to be straightened.

Imam also said, all bloggers are also bound to remain with the rules of law applicable in the real world so that the blogger also suggested to blogs with full respect, responsibility and highly social awareness.

According to Iman "Trash" Blogs will disappear naturally by itselves. For the entire blogs will be selected naturally and if considered as "Trash" Blogs by the blogger communities it will disappear.

Organizing this event is a collaboration between the American Corner at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and the United States Embassy in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Public Diplomacy Officer United States Embassy in Jakarta, Tristram Perry said, the U.S. support to organize the 2009 blogger party wichs is already the second time since the first in 2008 and now in 2009.

The supports, he said, not only financially alone but also morally. For the blogger events in Indonesia have similarities with those in America who does not have restrictions so that people actually live in the democratic environment when deliver the bright opinions and ideas.

Based on the browse results of Pesta Blogger, the internet users in Indonesia in July 2009 to reach 25 million people and about 500 thousand of them have become a blogger. Year-end 2009, Indonesian bloggers estimated can penetrate the number one million people.

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