26 April 2009

Concerns About The Spread Of H1N1 Swine Flu Virus To Indonesia

Concerns About The Spread Of H1N1 Swine Influenza Virus To Indonesia
Director General for Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture (Direktur Jenderal Peternakan Departemen Pertanian), Tjeppy D. Soedjana ensure that Indonesia safe from the spread of swine flu that is now infecting Mexico and The United States.

The reason, Indonesia does not have a transportation relationship of pork and its derivative products from both countries. "Thus, the possibility of the spread of swine flu in Indonesia is very small,"said Tjeppy, when contacted by Tempo, Saturday (25 / 4).

However,Ministry of Agriculture remains cautious this new plague with preparing various anticipation. Such as setting up rules and guidelines to respond to emergency situations, human resources, diagnostic lab infrastructure, and the quarantine.

Another Anticipating form such as controling the livestock will also be done by the Executive of the Technical Unit (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Directorate General of Animal Husbandry, including giving special attention to foreign tourists from Mexico and the United States by the Ministry of Agriculture Quarantine Agency. "Because they can act as a carrier of disease," said Cheppy.

Directorate General of Animal Husbandry has formed a team to conduct meetings and coordinate the anticipation with Directorate General for Disease Control and Environment Sanitation, Department of Health and National Quarantine related to the outbreaks. "Because, in the case of Indonesia, pigs can also be contagious avian influenza (bird flu)," said Tjeppy.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think swine flu will spread to Indonesia? Because I'm very concerned to learn that many ppl died in Mexico.


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