31 August 2009

ExxonMobil: Blok Cepu Began Its Production With 5 Thousand Barrel Per Day

Blok Cepu Oil Production ExxonMobil
ExxonMobil ensure its subsidiary company, Mobil Cepu Limited, began to flow the oil from Blok Cepu this afternoon (31 / 8). "The flows for start-up (initial production) from the field of Banyu Urip to the Mudi facility," said ExxonMobil spokesman Maman Budiman in a short message.

Initial production is estimated at five thousand barrels per day. He said the drainage of oil through the pipeline will be owned by Pertamina / Geolink. Initial production target of Blok Cepu should be done at the end of last year. But it continued to stretch the target until could be done this afternoon.

Government targeting the initial production of Blok Cepu reached 20 thousand barrels per day. Executing Agency Head of the Upstream Oil and Gas says to start in mid-September will produce a new 15 thousand barrels per day and will increase gradually.

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