07 May 2009

National Credit Growth Still On The Slower Position

Credit National Monetary Policy Bank Indonesia
Stress test results conducted by Bank Indonesia indicated that the condition of national banks in general, relatively stable. However, national credit growth is still on the slower position. According to the Monetary Policy Review that quoted from the site of Bank Indonesia, various indicators to support these conditions, among others, the national banking capital and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)shows the increasing trend.

As of March 2009, total assets increased to Rp 2,352.1 trillion or grow as much as 21 percent. Meanwhile Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) down a little bit to be 17.4 percent compared to the CAR in February 2009 which was 17.7 percent.

For the position of Non-Performing Loan (NPL) is also still relatively restrained, gross NPL is 4.5 percent and Net NPL 1.9 percent on March 2009, compared to the previous position of 4.3 percent and 1.6 percent.

Position of Third Party Funds of national banks also recorded slight increase to Rp 1,786.2 trillion in March 2009, compared to the position on February 2009 of Rp 1,767.1 trillion.

The report also mentioned that "Credit position is still increase reached Rp 1.342, 1 trillion, although the annual has slightly slowed compared to the previous month".

The report describes, decline in credit growth indicated Related to slow response from national banks on the decline of BI Rate, together with the request of credit from communities that also decline as a reflection of domestic economic activity that have not been enthusiastic.

Based on the use, slowing loan growth occurred in all of the credit for working capital, investment and consumption. Annual credit growth in working capital, investment credit and consumption credit each recorded at 23.5 percent, 35.3 percent and 24.4 percent or slowed from the previous month of 27.4 percent, 38.4 percent and 26.9 percent.

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