State Minister Of Environment Rachmat Witoelar to ensure began in 2010 the perpetrators of environmental destructive will enter a prison. "Next year, the destroyer of the environment is entering the prison, they will be guaranteed not pass from law," said Rachmat as cited by Antara News Agency in Padang, West Sumatra.
Rachmat in Padang as the keynote speaker at the Governance Seminar in spatial Sumatra Island, which was held by WALHI (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia, or The Indonesian Forum for Environment) of West Sumatra along with a number of environmental NGOs in Sumatra.
He refers to the government preparation of the latest bill number 27, 1997 on Environmental Management. According to him, Environmental Bill was deliberately formulated as additional and suppletion of Law Number 27/1997, which considered to be sterile because can not afford to throw the environmental destroyer to the prison.
The proof, 59 out of 60 sample of cases around the findings of environmental pollution authorized to the investigator, could be free and pass in court. "This is a proof that a number of articles in Law 27/1997 is still weak, and need to be made forceful," said Rachmat.
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