16 May 2009

Antasari Azhar Case: Police will reveal evidence In The Courtroom

Indonesia Police Headquarter, Polda Metro JayaR.I. Police still feel confident will be able to reveal the murder cases of Nasrudin Zulkarnaen with Antasari Azhar as the main suspect. Metro Jaya Regional Police Headquarters claims to have strong evidence related to the involvement of all the suspects.

"There is evidence, we would arrested and set Antasari as a suspect of the Article 340 Book of Criminal Law Ordinances (KUHP) about Premeditated Murder (pembunuhan berencana) because we already have evidence," said Director of General Criminal detective, Polda Metro Jaya (Regional police headquarters), Kombes Pol M. Iriawan.

But Iriawan refuse to mention in detail about the evidence that he was mentioned. "Later in court. Because if we do not have a proof, my reputation and Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) that will be staked," He said.

He explains, the police will remain on the main focus, which is the case of murder, not to the allegations or assumptions, such as conspiracy or extortion, and the existence of the accounts.

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