06 May 2009

Dissertation By President Obama's Mother To Be Published By Duke University Press

dissertation President Obama’s mother Stanley Ann Dunham Duke University Press
Duke University Press announced that they will be publishing the book from doctoral dissertation by President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, in December 2009. The book titled "Surviving Against the Odds: Village Industry in Indonesia" is based on Ms. Dunham research. She spent 14 years researching peasant metalworking industries in the Javanese village of Kajar. And finally she has completed this anthropology dissertation at the University of Hawaii in 1992.

Ken Wissoker, Editorial Director of Duke University Press, In a statement announcing the book’s release, said "Ms. Dunham's global perspective and obvious respect for other people’s intelligence and self-direction is a model we all can learn from. Her children clearly have."

The 368-page book was edited by two anthropologists, Alice G. Dewey, Ms. Dunham's graduate adviser, and Nancy I. Cooper, a graduate school colleague.

Maya Soetoro-Ng, President Obama's half-sister, will write the foreword of this book. She hoped her mother's work "will be read by those who come to love the particularities of its world and who also see the myriad potential application of its ideas and methods to other worlds."

Ms. Dunham died in 1995. When his mother began her field work in Java, Mr. Obama was already in a high school, and he decided not to participate to get to Indonesia.

As a child, Mr. Obama had lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. In his memoir, "Dreams From My Father," he wrote "I doubted what Indonesia now had to offer and wearied of being new all over again."

1 comment:

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