22 August 2009

Dept. Of Culture And Tourism: Tari Pendet Can Be Used Freely As Long As Not Claimed

Tari Pendet
Director of Promotion of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General of Marketing Department of Culture and Tourism (Depbudpar) Prof.Dr. I Gde Pitana said Pendet Dance in the Visit Malaysia Year advertisements can be displayed along the original Balinese art and culture is not claimed as belong to Malaysia.

"We have to look at the context of the problem. Because in our tourism ads are often displayed Lion Dance, as an attraction that in Indonesia there are also attractions of Lion Dance. But we never claimed it belonged to Indonesian, but the art and culture came from China," said I Gde Pitana at Sapta Pesona Building Jakarta.

I Gde Pitana explained that following the incessant news about Balinese Pendet dance used in advertising Visit Malaysia Year. According to Pitana, Pendet dance is a native Balinese art and culture thus Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of it is belongs to the people of Bali.

"Concerning the protection of Intellectual Property Rights of cultural arts, Depbudpar with the Department of Justice and Human Rights (Depkumham) has made a memorandum of understanding (MoU)," said Pitana saying, with the MoU is expected in each region works diligently to register both culture and art belong to individuals or communities to Depkumham to get legal protection.

As it is known at the end of 2007 Malaysia had used the song Rasa Sayange to be a jingle of Visit Malaysia Year campaign which later received a strong protest from the people of Indonesia.

Associated with that Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia Rais Yatim in a meeting with Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik, asserted that Malaysia was never claimed that the song Rasa Sayange belonged to Malaysia.

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