23 August 2009

Students From IPB Participating Tunza International Children and Youth Conference

Tunza International Children and Youth Conference
Two students from Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) Indonesia, participated in the Tunza International Youth Conference. The event themed 'Climate Change: Our Challenge' took place in Daejeon, the Republic of Korea.

As reported by PR of IPB, the event was held on 20-23 August 2009. Two students who participated are Syaroni, from the Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan (Department of Marine Science and Technology), Faculty of Fisheries and Forestry / Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kehutanan (FPIK) and July Doddy Irawan, Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry / Fakultas Kehutanan (Fahutan).

Annual program of the United Nations Environtemnt Program (UNEP) was attended by 250 participants from 110 countries. Both the Indonesian delegation is participating in a series of TUNZA's activities including Seal the Deal Global Debate (Road to Copenhagen), Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, Plenary entitled Global Team Building and Green Jobs.

"The Indonesian delegation had the opportunity to present the overview of youth activity in Indonesia that have been conducted by several organizations such as the UKM FORCES, UKM IAAS, Student Association of Marine Science and Technology / Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan (HIMITEKA), Department of Silviculture Profession Association / Himpunan Profesi Departemen Silvikultur (TGC), and International Forestry Student Association (IFSA ) IPB, "said Aris Solikhah, PR of IPB.

In addition, also followed Fieldtrip and workshops on environment and climate change such as Recycle the Waste, Uam Historical Park Culture and Exploring Fresh Water Fishes. This event was attended by the Prime Minister and Minister of Environment of the Republic of South Korea.

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