Indonesia once again losing its great artist, poet, playwright, and a social observer Willibrordus Surendra Broto Rendra or familiarly known as 'Si Burung Merak' WS Rendra. WS Rendra died in the Mitra Hospital, Depok, West Java, on Thursday (6 / 8) around 22:05 Western Indonesia Time. WS Rendra, died at age of 74 after being admitted in a hospital for his cardiac disease.
Rendra known to act Panembahan Reso had been long suffering illness. However, he was allowed to had treatment and medication in his home at Cipayung Jaya street, Depok, West Java.
Even in the house on Tuesday (4 / 8) filled with people who attending burial process of a phenomenal Indonesian reggae-styled musician who pitched at this time with the famous song Tak Gendong, Mbah Surip.
WS Rendra was popular with his poems that siding up the poor and marginalized urban people and at the same time were critical to the policies implemented by the previous Indonesian government led by president Soeharto. He was imprisoned by the Soeharto regime for his critical poetry during the students uprising in 1978.

During his career as a noted poet, he was active taking part in several international festivals including The Rotterdam International Poetry Festival in 1971 and 1979, the Valmiki International Poetry Festival, New Delhi in 1995, Berliner Horizonte Festival, Berlin in 1985, The First New York Festival Of the Arts in 1988, Spoleto Festival, Melbourne, Vagarth World Poetry Festival, Bhopal in 1989, World Poetry Festival, Kuala Lumpur in 1992 and Tokyo Festival in 1995.
WS Rendra, who is dubbed as 'Si Burung Merak' / the Peacock in Indonesian literary, set up Bengkel Teater, a workshop group for poets and drama performers in 1968 after he finished his study at American Dramatical Art in 1967.
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