The release of six members is marked by the use of a "Mio rEi" robot team shirts by the rector and witnessed by Research, Development and Operations Director of PT Semen Gresik Tbk, Ir Suharto MM, as the main sponsor of the team.
"The robots have been sent a month ago, while the robot team of six people will leave on 17 September, but was released today ahead of Eid holidays," said Director PENS - ITS, Dadet Pramadihanto.
In his report , he said the team of the PENS - ITS has followed 12 times of the robot contest at the national level and nine times at international level. "In the 12 times of the national robotic contest, PENS - ITS team always won, while nine times in the international contest once won a world champion in 2001 and the 'runner up' in India in 2008, " he said.
In 2004, PENS - ITS team won "Konawi Awards" and in 2005 won "Best Design". "For a robot contest in Egypt, the "Mio rEi" robot team has been doing modifications, so that the velocity increases," he said.
In his speech , Rector of ITS Prof. Priyo Suprobo targeting "Mio rEi" robot team become world champion in the next world robot contest in Egypt. "If in India has been able to be a runner up, then in Egypt we should be the world champion.
During this time, PENS - ITS has become a 'mecca' of robotics in Indonesia, because of that, PENS - ITS robot team must be the world champion, so it can also be a tradition" he said.
"Mio rEi" consists of six students, Bayu Sandi Martha, Muh Ali Anang Lubis, Rahardhita Widyatra Sudibyo, Zainul Arifin, Putus Dadar Gumilang, and Aditya Sarjono.
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