05 March 2009

KPK Arresting Abdul Hadi Djamal (The Member of Indonesia's Parliament)

One more, the member of Republic of Indonesia Parliament arrested by KPK or Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Corruption Eradication Commission). Abdul Hadi Djamal, Politician from Partai Amanat Nasional was arrested by the KPK last Monday 2 march, 2009, carrying US$ 90 thousand and Rp 54 million. Beside him, KPK arrested Darmawati Dahore, offical of the Department of Transportation, and Hontjo Kurniawan, businessman. An unnamed source said that Hontjo gave Rp 2 billion to Abdul, and Rp 600 million to Darmawati.

In a press conference last Tuesday, KPK Chairman Antasari Azhar suspected that the money is related to the development of airport and seaport in Eastern Indonesia. He said that the three suspects shall be charged with violating the Anti Corruption Law Articles 5 & 11 regarding Gratuities and Article 12(a) & 12(b) regarding Bribery, with a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

Abdul Hadi Djamal, PAN politicians who sit in the House of Representatives Commission V, add a long list of representatives of the people who caught in hand of corruption involved. Up to now, there were, already seven board members deal with the KPK. Some other still in process on the attorney general and police headquarters. Unfortunately, the number of it will not be enough yet. Instead, it will very likely continue to grow.

Since the year 2008, our news media have been reporting about the arrests of many members of the Parliament (DPR) for charges of receiving Bribes that caused great financial loss to the state. From January 2008 until early March 2009 there were seven lawmakers have been arrested:

1. Al Amin Nur Nasution
2. Sarjan Tahir
3. Yusuf E. Faishal
4. Bulyan Royan
5. Abdul Hadi Djamal
6. Hamka Yamdu
7. Antony Zeidra Abidin

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