03 August 2009

Merpati's Twin Otter Plane Missing At Jayapura, Papua

Merpati plane with flight from Jayapura to Oksibil lost contact with the tower. Until now has not known yet about the fate of crews and passengers of the plane.

"True, we lost contact with the Twin Otter aircraft is," said Merpati PR Sukandi to detikcom, Sunday (2/8/2009).

Plane carry 11 adults and two babies and was crewed by three people. Local media indicate that the internal flight took off at 10:15 and was due to arrive at 11:05, but that the aircraft lost contact at 10:28.

Flight's ACAS database lists the carrier as owning nine DHC-6s. Unconfirmed information indicates that the aircraft is a 30-year old airframe, serial number 626, registered PK-NVC.

Indonesian airlines, including Merpati Nusantara, remain largely blacklisted by the European Commission despite the lifting of restrictions on four carriers last month.

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