10 August 2009

Royal Dutch Shell Reach Top Position In 2009 Fortune 500 World's Largest Companies

Shell On 2009 Fortune 500
Dutch oil company, Royal Dutch Shell, move the U.S. retail company, to reach the top position in the list of Fortune's global 500 world's largest companies. This list become a proof that Shell is still one of the best oil company in the world.

Based on the latest list released by Fortune, in the year 2008 Shell successfully attract revenue of 458.361 million U.S. dollars with a profit of 26.277 million U.S. dollar. Although the percentage of Shell's profit has decreased compared to the year 2007, it does not impede the Shell increased 2 ratings to reach the peak position.

Sit under Shell is the main competitor, Exxon Mobil. Exxon Mobil failed to reach the title as the most succesful company in the world, but at least they succeeded in reaching the first rank as the most succesful United States company.

The Exxon successfully reach revenue of 442.851 million U.S. dollars and profit of 45.220 million U.S. dollars.

In the best 10 of the list of Fortune's global 500 world's largest companies, there are seven oil companies. Of course, this is caused by crude oil prices and other mineral commodities are in the highest level in last year .

Here is the list of 10 largest companies in the world version of Fortune magazine:

1. Royal Dutch Shell
2. Exxon Mobil
3. Wal-Mart Stores
4. BP
5. Chevron
6. Total
7. Conoco Philips
8. ING Group
9. Sinopec
10. Toyota Motor

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