Marditech, a Malaysian company which plans to invest in the cultivation of seaweed, dropping the expert team to examine the potential of marine commodities in Southeast Sulawesi Province. "waters of South East Sulawesi is very strategic for seaweed cultivation and certainly its potential promising for the development of the seaweed industry," said Anas Ahmad Nasaruddin, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Marditech in Kendari, Tuesday.
The arrival of a joint expert team of Malaysia in Kota Bau-bau to take samples of seaweed as a researchs ingredient is the continued visitation from the Malaysian businessman Datuk Chemoor Azis.
Investment of seaweed in Southeast Sulawesi, expected can be promote mutually beneficial partnership between investors, governments and farmers. "We (investors) expecting certainty of production while the farmers waiting for guarantees of the market at reasonable prices. Investments that has the principles of partnership are believed to improve the welfare of the people," said Anas.
Marditech, the company led by Datuk Aziz Chemoor who is also an arm of the Malaysian PM optimistic that the seaweed investment climate in South East Sulawesi is very promising, so that the government pledged to boost the development of the infrastructures such as electricity, ports, airports, water supply and adequate means of communication.
"We are grateful to the mayor of Kota Bau-Bau and South East Sulawesi governor who has been seriously welcomed the investment plans of seaweed," he said.
Director of Food Technology Research Centre from Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) Hj Normah Omar said, seaweed is not just for the food needs but also the raw material for the cosmetic industry and medicine.
"Indonesian Seaweed Potential convincing but the important thing to be a concern is the increase in quality, so can be competing in the world markets," said Normah. Director of the Malaysian Technology Development and Promotion Center, Husein Abdul Rahman said, seaweed will bring prosperity to the people if the maximally managed.
"Southeast Sulawesi's Seaweed will be demanded by consumers from all over the world if the quality is better. Therefore, the research in order to determine the quality of fresh seaweed will be done soon," said Husen.
In addition to the interest of seaweed potential , businessmen from the neighbor country also intends to invest in the farm sector, fisheries, tourism and mining.
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