Chairpersons of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will be attending the call from Police Headquarters Tuesday, September 8, 2009. Those KPK Chairpersons will be asked for information as witnesses on Cases of Alleged Bribery PT Masaro.
"They (KPK) have postponed the date of 8 tomorrow (September 8, 2009)," said head of the Criminal detective (Kabareskrim) of Police Headquarters, Komjen Susno Duadji at the Police Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Monday (7/9/2009).
According to him, the Commission's chairpersons will be asked for information as a witnesses. "That's the reports from Antasari about Masaro's dispute. That's to be done. We just Call them, it's usual. Called as a witness. The 4 chairpersons demanded to clarify," he said.
Susno said the investigation on KPK are not related to the Bank Century. "This has nothing to do with the Century Bank case," said Susno. So it was not the Commission would take over in case of Century? "Taken from who's the investigator," said Susno.
On Thursday, September 3th, The police sent a letter numbered S.Pgl/321/IX/2009/Pidkor yang ditandatangani Direktur III/Pidana Korupsi &; WWC Kombes Pol Drs Yovianes Mahar. The letter was addressed to the four chairpersons of the Commission, which is Haryono Umar, Bibit Samad Riyanto, M Jasin and Chandra M Hamzah.
But not only that, Chaidir Ismail from KPK's head of Law Bureau, Iswan Elmi who served as the Director of Investigations, Arry Widiatmoko from investigators and an investigator named Rony Samtana also examined.
The eight men will be faced with the unit head V Dit III/Pidkor &; WWC Kombes Pol Drs AJ Benny Mokalu. While the article used is Article 23 of Law Number 31 Year 1999 jo Act No. 20 of 2001 with the suspect Ary Muladi.
However, the Commission rejects the calls saying the letter from the Police is not clear. KPK waiting for a reply from the Chief of Police.
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