24 May 2009

Roh Moo-Hyun, South Korean Ex-President Is Dead In An Apparent Suicide

Roh Moo-Hyun Ex President South KoreaSouth Korea Ex-President, Roh Moo-hyun (62) have been killed simply because of suicide after a jump from the cliffs behind the house in the remote areas. Corruption scandals that Alleged to Roh Moo-hyun has been making desperate end of his life in a way that is very tragic.

According to his lawyer, Moon Jae-in, Roh was hiking in Bongha village when he threw himself off a steep cliff around 6:40 a.m. Saturday 23/5/2009, he said Roh left a suicide note.

In a short suicide note addressed to his family, Mr Roh described his life as "difficult" and apologised for making "too many people suffer". "Too many people are suffering because of me," he wrote, according to South Korean media.

"Don't be too sad. Isn't life and death all part of nature? Don't be sorry," the official news agency, Yonhap, quoted the note as saying.

"Please cremate me. And please leave a small tombstone near home. I've long thought about that."

Roh was taken to Busan National University hospital at around 08.15, but already can not be saved again. He declared dead at 09.30 with a gash in the head.

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