13 August 2009

Noordin M Top Still Alive, President SBY Not Disappointed

SBY And Terrorism
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that himself not disappointed after the terrorist who killed by Densus 88 Anti-Terror in Temanggung some time ago was not Noordin M Top, the most wanted JI's terrorist leader that linked to Al-Qaeda.
[ Previously Local Media Reported That Noordin M Top Was Killed ]

"The President does not disappointed, he even giving appreciation over the efforts of the Indonesia's police to arrest a number of terrorists recently," said Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Hatta Rajasa after accompanying President Yudhoyono to receive four new ambassadors from friendly countries at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday.

According to Hatta, the success of the Police dismantle terrorist networks and capture the perpetrators of bombardment in Hotel Ritz Carlton and JW Marriott on 17 July must be appreciated by the whole part of society, even though Noordin M Top who sought not arrested yet.

"Chasing terrorists do not just glued to Noordin. We are chasing for the group, whoever that is. Do not be wrong, Ibrohim (who were killed by the police in Temanggung) is also the brain of this terrorist group, and not a reckless person," he said.

Despite failing to catch Noordin, Hatta said, the police works to dismantle the network of terrorist can not be blamed, because the results obtained are good enough to capture and kill a number of members of terrorist networks.

"Why catching Ibrohim take 17 hours, it is not wrong. We must give appreciation because not many of countries can dismantle terrorist networks in less than a month after bombardment," he said.

According to Hatta, the fact that there are a lot of the terrorist network members that until now is not caught yet in Indonesia, should be anticipated by creating legislation that can minimize the space for the terrorists.

"It is the time make a product of laws that make us not hesitate to fight terror, in order to protect the community and country. DPR can think about it," he said.

Previously Head of Police Public Relations Division Irjen Pol Nanan Soekarno announced, the terrorist suspect who died in Densus 88 raid in Temanggung is Ibrohim, not Noordin M Top. [ Read: The Dead Body Is Ibrohim Not Noordin M Top]

Ibrohim which is a florist at the JW Marriott Hotel was involved in the case of JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton bombardment on 17 July.

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